aperture_transform - transforms a wavefront by an aperture.
transforms a wavefront by a type of aperture. now six types of aperture has been designed, they are: circular ( circle ), annular ( annul_ap ), rectangular ( rectang ), hexagonal ( hex_ap ), spidered annular ( spid_annul_ap ), and tiled hexagonal ( til_hex_ap ) aperture.
dwf=begin(0.01,1e-6,128); ap=circle(0.005); dwf=aperture_transform(dwf,ap); dwf=forvard(dwf,1); field_plot(dwf);
Chen jingyuan, Gan guangyong (IAPCM, Beijing,China.)
circle , circ_ap , circ_screen , rectang , rect_ap , rect_screen , hex_ap , annul_ap , spid_annul_ap , til_hex_ap , aperture ,