ell_mau_kea_mod - construct an Ellerbroek-Mauna-Kea refractive atmospheric model.
construct an Ellerbroek-Mauna-Kea refractive atmospheric model. It consists of a eleven layer atmosphere, with altitudes and relative weights given in the table below:
The power spectrum assumed for these layers is not stated in the paper, Here we assume it satisfy Komolgorov law.
r0=0.1;r0_w=1e-6; ram=ell_mau_kea_mod(r0,r0_w); num=atm_mod_lay_number(ram);
Chen jingyuan, Gan guangyong (IAPCM, Beijing,China.)
power_spectrum , ref_atm_lay , ref_atm_model , ell_cer_pac_mod , pal_dimm_mass_mod , huf_val_mod , slcsat_day_mod , slcsat_night_mod , tmt_srd_v13_cn2_mod , gemini_glao_study_mod , get_atm_mod_dwfh , get_atm_mod_layers , atm_mod_layers_fits , atm_mod_lay_number , atm_mod_lay_heights , atm_mod_lays_transform , atmosphere ,