znk_mod - construct a zernike polynomial.
construct a zernike polynomial. This object holds zernike polynomial coefficients. The polynomials used for this function are those in the book of Born and Wolf's . All coefficients will be initialize to zeros.This function uses the real polynomial expansion in which radial polynomials are multiplied by cos(m*phi) and sin(m*phi). For each order n of the expansion, there are n/2+1 possible levels m, given by m = n2, n2+2, ... n for both cos and sin terms. However, for m==0 there is no sin term. notice it is very diffrent to the function zernike
znk=znk_mod(1); znk=set_znk_cos_coef(znk,1,1,1); znk_fits(znk,"znk");
Chen jingyuan, Gan guangyong (IAPCM, Beijing,China.)
zernike , set_znk_cos_coef , set_znk_sin_coef , get_znk_cos_coef , get_znk_sin_coef , znk_fits ,